Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Amish Mafia - Introduction

I love a LOT of reality TV shows. 

My favorite types of shows fall into two categories.  

First, shows that peek into the lives of the rich and richer. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and anything Kardashian come to mind, because my GOD I love their closets and shoes and houses and the insane way they throw around money.  And while I think a lot of their drama is, how would you say, "encouraged" by the show's producers (come on, does anyone believe that Kourtney Kardashian ever had a serious problem with coupon clipping taking over her life?), it's mindless, fun entertainment.  

The second category would be shows that are just so bizarre that you wonder what in the world the participants were thinking by signing up.  And how in the world the show producers came up with anything so bizarre.

So when my friend, Kristiana (names changed to protect the innocent), casually mentioned the other day that she was sitting down with her husband to watch Amish Mafia (on the Discovery channel!?!), the pretense was so ridiculous that I might have peed myself just a little tiny bit laughing.  I was also out of town at the time and almost couldn't wait to get back home and watch this show.

Amish MAFIA?  Like, mafia as in crime bosses and broken thumbs and cement shoes and a secret underworld?  Could this be serious?  As in, Chicago?  And Scarface?  And guys named 'Thumbs' and 'Joey the Jackknife"?

So I came home from my trip, logged onto and watched the first few episodes of Amish Mafia and thought I would have a little fun blogging about them. 

What I found was that upon the first viewing, was that I'm going to have to watch that ALL again.  The insane level of facets to these people's lives are each going to require their own introductory blog before I can even get into the crux of the show, which is, by the way, RIDICULOUS.

Prepare yourselves for an in-depth look into the underground world of illicit booze and laundry parties, prostitution, a secret subculture of men who have "Pimp my Buggy" contests, pitchfork throwing(?), Amish boxing events, "green corn" (known to you and me as marijuana), tattoos, hanging undergarments on a clothesline too close to the neighbors, buggy tipping and even rigged buggy races.  (Buggies are a big part of the Amish culture, unless they're in a hurry to get somewhere, in which case they hire a cab.  Or an airplane, in extreme circumstances.)

Until next time, when I delve into each character so we have a chance of keeping these people straight.

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